Home » Department Chair Institute: Learning Outcomes

Department Chair Institute: Learning Outcomes

Department Chairs and other instructional leaders can begin learning the knowledge, skills and abilities to effectively perform their roles and responsibilities as a Department Chair or other instructional leader with an opportunity to network with their peers for continuous learning, pre and post Institute. After completing this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Understand what contributes to an individual’s vitality and why it’s so important for personal and professional success.
  • Recognize, understand, listen, and employ your skills/strengths for better decision making.
  • Assess, understand, and appreciate your personal style and strengths and the style and strengths of others.
  • Increase the ability to adjust your style to the style of others to improve communication, efficiency, and effectiveness.
  • Understand the social nature of high-performance workplace based on neuroscience findings and what we know about human systems.
  • Develop, practice, and implement an Action Plan that will help create a ‘shared vision’ for your department.
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